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Advising Resources

  • For guidance on University and College degree requirements, entering students should consult the College of Letters and Science for appointments and advice. College advisors are available for online and in-person appointments, and the virtual front desk is a great place to ask quick questions.


Undergraduate Degree Program

Advising is available, by appointment only, for general inquiries about programs of study, and the Music major as well as the minor.

    Undergraduate Advisor

    Brenaia Blue:  MusicAdvising at

Make an appointment for a Zoom, phone, or in-person meeting:

For mentoring in your particular area of interest, please contact any pertinent member of the Department faculty.

Music majors are required to meet with an advisor once per semester. There is a high demand for advising appointments during the enrollment period, so please plan ahead and schedule your advising appointment a few weeks prior to your enrollment appointment.