Department of Music Celebrates the Career of Carillonist Jeff Davis

June 4, 2024

Jeff DavisThe Department of Music announces the retirement of University Carillonist Jeff Davis. Davis has served as University Carillonist since 2000 and has built the Berkeley carillon program into one of the most prominent in the world. Davis’ students regularly perform recitals all over the world, and hold carillon positions in North America and Europe.

Jeff Davis, third University Carillonist, joined the music department in 1983 and began studies with first University Carillonist Ronald Barnes in 1984. Davis passed the professional examination by The Guild of Carillonneurs In North America in 1988, and then worked as an assistant to both Barnes and second University Carillonist Geert D’Hollander until 1999, when he secured the position of University Carillonist at The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Davis served the Guild in a variety of positions, notably as a member of the Board of Directors, as President from 1996-2000, and many terms as a juror on the Examination committee.

Davis was raised in the Pacific Northwest, and his grade school music teacher, Evelyn Hermann, remains a North American authority on the Suzuki method. Davis was trained as a composer, and from his teen years was mentored by Howard Hanson, Deems Taylor, and Don Gillis. He continues to compose for carillon, orchestra, wind ensemble, and other media. He played oboe, English horn and recorders professionally, as well as having long experience as a conductor.

Berkeley Carillon Festival

Davis has given carillon recitals throughout North America and Europe, notably at the Barcelona International Carillon Festival, The Springfield International Festival, The Ann Arbor Festival, as well as artist recitals at congresses of the World Carillon Federation and The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America. Davis is a Distinguished Alumnus of the National Music Camp at Interlochen, Michigan, and has been awarded UC Berkeley’s highest honor, the Berkeley Medal.

There will be a two-day carillon festival at Sather Tower honoring Jeff the last weekend of June. Jeff's final performance on the carillon will be  June 30 at 2-3pm.

Following that, Jeff looks forward to a retirement writing music, tending his garden, and traveling with Bill Peters, his partner of forty-six years.