The recipient of awards and commissions from the French & Italian Governments, the American Academy of Arts & Letters, the City of Berlin, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Ford, Rockefeller, Fromm, and Guggenheim Foundations, his music has been performed on the Warsaw Autumn Festival, the Darmstadt Summer Courses, the Almeida Festival (London), Tage für Neue Musik (Zurich), and the Foro Internacional de Musica Nueva (Mexico City). In 1987 he founded the Center for New Music & Audio Technologies (CNMAT(link is external)), an interdisciplinary facility linking all of Berkeley’s disciplines related to sound (music, cognitive psychology, linguistics, computer science, and architecture). In addition to the teaching of composition, mixed media, and multicultural issues, he team-teaches in the School of Architecture and has developed a seminar in advanced orchestration based on psychoacoustics. In 1999, he received a Koussevitzky commission from the Library of Congress.
RECORDINGS: Cambridge, CRI, Opus One, Grenadilla, Nonesuch, Musical Heritage.
PUBLISHERS: Schirmer/Galaxy, Belwin-Mills, World Library, E.B. Marks, Gunmar, Fallen Leaf, Princeton University Press. Included in the Norton Anthology of Choral Music. Video works presented at the Whitney Museum of American Art.