Andrew Harlan

Job title: 

Andrew Harlan (b. 1995) is a composer, bassist, and sound designer, based in Berkeley, California. His music exists at the intersections of long-form ambient music, experimental club music, dystopian sound design, chamber music, and electroacoustic improvisation. His music has been featured in festivals such as Line Upon Line Winter Composition Festival, Yellow Barn Young Artists Program, Valencia International Performance Academy, Summer Institute of Contemporary Performance Practice, IRCAM Manifeste Academy, and Wellesley Composers Conference.

Current and previous collaborations include – Sound Icon, loadbang, Berrow Duo, Hallie Smith, Boston Musica Viva, Erik Drescher, [Switch~ Ensemble], Eco Ensemble, line upon-line percussion, The Boston Conservatory Contemporary Music Ensemble, Mazumal, and The Wet Ink Ensemble. He has been awarded first prize in the Loadbang Commissioning Competition, and the Boston Conservatory Sinfonietta Composition Competition, and was selected as a finalist for the BMI Student Composer awards.

In 2017 he graduated from The Boston Conservatory where he studied with Marti Epstein and Jonathan Bailey Holland. He has also studied privately with Steven Kazuo Takasugi and Aaron Helgeson. He is currently pursuing an M.A./Ph.D. at UC Berkeley where he studies with Franck Bedrossian, Edmund Campion, Carmine Cella, Cindy Cox, Myra Melford, and Ken Ueno.

For more information on his work, please visit
