Music 167

Music 167H: Early Music Performance

Director: Christine Brandes, coordinator; David Milnes, supervisor
Associated Performance Ensemble: Baroque Ensemble (Music 149)
Eligible Applicant: Members of the University Baroque Ensemble
Note: Students who are enrolled in Music 167H should also be enrolled in Music 149.

Music 167I: Organ Performance

Director: David Milnes
Associated Performance Ensemble: None
Eligible Applicant: By approval of faculty supervisor
Note: Interested students should contact David Milnes, faculty supervisor, and George Emblom, instructor, at to audition.

Music 167B: Vocal Performance

Director: Nikolas Nackley, coordinator, Wei Cheng, supervisor
Unit: 1
Associated Performance Ensemble: University Chorus (Music 144) OR University Chamber Chorus (Music 145)
Eligible Applicant: Members of the University Chorus or University Chamber Chorus
Note: Students who are enrolled in Music 167B should also be enrolled in Music 144 or 145, depending which ensemble they are in.

Music 167C: Keyboard Performance

Director: Sharon Lee Kim, coordinator
Associated Performance Ensemble: None
Eligible Applicant: Music majors who are intermediate-level pianists and need additional training to place into Music 168C (students should apply and audition for Music 168C).
Note: Students cannot be enrolled in Music 167C and 168C concurrently. Generally, there is a one year limit of Music 167C enrollment as students are expected to advance to Music...

Music 167A: Orchestral Instrumental Performance

Director: David Milnes
Associated Performance Ensemble: UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra (Music 141)
Eligible Applicant: Members of the UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra
Note: Students who are enrolled in Music 167A should also be enrolled in Music 141.