
Sather Tower (The Campanile)

Sather Tower overlooking the Golden GateHigh above the ground, you can see suspended from the roof of Sather Tower the sixty-one bells that constitute the Berkeley Carillon. Inside the Tower at the top are the office and practice instrument of the Department of Music’s University Carillonist Jeff Davis, and on the bottom floors a carillon archive and additional practice instrument.

Designed by John Galen Howard...

Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT)

The Center for New Media and Audio TechnologiesA beautiful Spanish-style house on residential Arch Street – across the street from the northeastern perimeter of the campus – is home to the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), founded in 1989 by composer Professor Richard Felciano. At CNMAT one finds a unique venue for research and teaching on the application of computer and related technologies to music, concerts...

Practice Rooms

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Practice Rooms Card Key Access

All practice rooms are by card key access only. To register your Cal 1 Card:

Complete the Practice Room User...

Hertz Concert Hall

Hertz Concert HallAlso opened in 1958 and connected to Morrison Hall by an archway and plaza, Hertz Concert Hall is one of the best concert spaces in the State of California. Seating 678, this performance space permits us to house our Noon Concert Series and a full roster of evening and weekend concerts by superb student ensembles. Cal Performances (the outreach performance unit on campus) also presents professional...

Morrison Hall

Morrison HallOpened in 1958 in the southeast quadrant of the campus, Morrison Hall houses the core facilities of the Department of Music. Through its halls over 3,000 students come and go each academic year. Facing south toward Hearst Field and the Hearst Memorial Gym, or north toward Faculty Glade, the pleasant classrooms on the first floor accommodate from twelve to 52 students. A special space is reserved for the instrument...

Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library

Jean Gray Hargrove Music LibrarySpurred by the Department of Music, made possible by a gift from Music alum Jean Gray Hargrove, Class of 1932, and many other generous donors, the music library moved from Morrison Hall to a new building immediately adjacent to Morrison and Hertz Halls in 2004, becoming the first free-standing branch library in the University Library system. One of the finest music research collections in the world,...