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Cal Day 2016

photo of concerto soloist

Performances by concerto audition winners are a popular tradition every Cal Day; good music, great audience, and comfortable seats in Hertz Hall. Come hear the UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra!

The Music Department was pleased to display a wide range of musical activities for Cal Day visitors. Concert manager Quelani Penland programmed this annual open house for UC Berkeley with exciting events located both inside and outside Hertz Memorial Concert Hall and Morrison Hall, for all to enjoy. Inside events included the kid-friendly Music Connection instrument workshop, as well as sonatas and concerti performed by  talented Music students on piano, cello, voice, and even organ! Outside events include African Dance and Drumming, Celli@Berkeley student cello quartets—and this year a newly-composed concerto with carillon bells in the Campanile got in on the action, performing a carillon duet with an electronic component. The exciting Gospel Chorus closed out the afternoon. Watch out for Cal Day each year, usually scheduled in spring!